Ingresa tu negocio – 0% comisiones

6 meses

($ 21,00/mes)
  • Este plan incluye:
  • no commission
  • inserción de una instalación
  • visibilidad durante 182 días
  • Visibilidad adicional de la estructura mediante carrusel especial (giratorio)
  • Soporte 24/7

Register now. For you 1 year of subscription included in the offer

  • 00D
  • 00H
  • 00M
  • 00S

We believe that the fixed subscription is more advantageous for both the host and the traveler. The commission-based system can become a problem for hosts, who are always forced to give up a significant percentage of all bookings received to the host site. The flat-fee system, on the other hand, leaves all the profit to the hosts. By doing so, the host has no strings attached, and the tourist/traveler will be able to have greater benefits in terms of price and/or services.

En efecto. AdviceTourism es un portal revolucionario que tiene como objetivo colocar al anfitrión, en un contexto de visibilidad internacional, en la condición de poder operar en absoluta libertad y sin restricciones opresivas, permitiéndole así ampliar su alcance comercial.

Again, the answer is affirmative. AdviceTourism wishes to get in touch with and give international visibility to all businesses, including non-hotel businesses, and located anywhere in the world.

Being part of AdviceTourism means getting international feedback, i.e. considerably increasing your visibility: more visibility, more bookings, more earnings. When discussing tourism, it is essential to clarify that we are talking about any form of tourism: sports, relaxation, business, cultural, pet friendly, artistic, and much more.

AdviceTourism es la plataforma de promoción turística internacional que ha estado faltando.

No. First, you need to evaluate, understand, and only then will you decide to subscribe. We suggest you read all of these “FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions” so that you have a set of answers to your questions. All clear?

Now click on “Start Registration,” enter your information, calmly fill out your form, and only after that, if you are satisfied with the result, will you make the payment, thus activating your subscription and joining the big AdviceTourism family. If, on the other hand, you decide not to go ahead and activate your subscription, you will not have to pay anything.

No. 5 days before your subscription plan expires, you will receive an email notice.

You will be able to decide whether to renew it or choose another plan.

Puede suscribirse con su cuenta de PayPal o con las principales tarjetas de crédito.


1 – Haz clic en el botón “ingresa tu negocio”.
2 – Elige el plan y presiona “suscribir”.
3 – Seleccione el elemento Registro, complete el formulario y presione el botón Registro.
4 – Un mensaje y un correo electrónico te notificarán que te has registrado.

tutorial 02

5 – Inicie sesión en su panel de control.
6 – Añade tu negocio.
7 – Selecciona el plan que deseas adquirir.
8 – Seleccione la categoría de interés.

tutorial 03

9 – Complete todos los campos para presentar mejor su negocio.
10 – Para el mapa, intente ingresar la dirección sin comas ni puntos y presione enter, luego seleccione la dirección correcta entre las propuestas.
11 – Ingrese aquí la dirección completa correcta.
12 – Ingrese imágenes (al menos 4 para que el control deslizante funcione correctamente).

tutorial 04

13 – Una vez completada la compilación, puedes obtener una vista previa de la apariencia del anuncio.

tutorial 05

14 – Ahora puedes proceder al pago.
Si tiene un cupón, haga clic aquí, ingréselo en el campo correspondiente y presione "aplicar cupón".
15 – Una vez completada tu compra, recibirás un mensaje y un correo electrónico de confirmación con el resumen de tu pedido. También le enviaremos un correo electrónico tan pronto como se publique el anuncio.

Register, access your dashboard, select the plan that is right for you, select the category you are interested in, fill in the fields that best describe your business, and proceed to the payment page.

You can enter it in the appropriate field (as pictured) before finalizing the payment so you can take advantage of the discount dedicated to you.

tutorial coupon

miembro oficial nuevo

“Membresía certificada”

By entering your facility or business, you will receive the exclusive sticker “MIEMBRO CERTIFICADO”, Certified membership. Thus allowing you to be visible, recognized, and identified by both the tourists who have already booked and future travelers from all over the world.

Que estas esperando: Únase también a la gran familia de AdviceTourism.