• Entertainment
  • Nahe
    Cafe, Ristorants, Pizza restaurants, Parks, Sea
  • Gesprochene Sprachen
    Italian, English, Spanish

Located in the heart of Downtown Miami, Das Elser Hotel offers close proximity to some of Miami’s best local hotspots. Just a 10-minute walk north of the hotel, discover the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum @frostscience.

With an expansive sea-life aquarium and a state-of-the-art planetarium, immerse yourself in the captivating world of science and exploration.
Swipe to learn more and unlock a universe of knowledge and wonder.

From the moment you step into our inviting retreat, you’ll be greeted with a warm ambiance and timeless appeal.

Take a refreshing dip in our sparkling pool and embrace moments of blissful serenity.

Your ultimate escape is just a click away visit the link in our bio to reserve your well-deserved paradise.



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